grease interceptor, test manhole and or
flume then you will need engineering assistance as
all these projects will require coordination
with local and in some instances state regulators such as the EPA

If you are looking to install a water treatment system, grease interceptor, test manhole and or flume then you will need engineering assistance as all these projects will require coordination with local and in some instances state regulators such as the EPA

pH Adjustment Systems & Installations
Rather than creating a generic system and forcing it upon our customers all our systems are designed to meet our customer's criteria, requirements and facility needs. We have built our business around our customers and varying industries and believe a one size does not fit all

DAF Operation & Maintenance
We understand that many of our customers want to focus on their production process and not their wastewater process. The wastewater process can be very time consuming and challenging at times since maintaining the proper chemical balance and maintenance schedules are essential for trouble free operation.

Wastewater Testing Compliance & Reporting
Most of our current customers are currently under permit from a City or municipality and as a requirement they must submit monthly test results as well as additional flow and pH data for their facility.

Other Water Treatment Services
We provide other water treatment services that include BOD reduction and metal precipitation systems that utilize a clarifier and filter press to dewater sludges.

Lift Station Installation, Maintenance and Monitoring
Lift stations can be found in a lot of applications not limited to just water treatment. We utilize lead and lag pumps as well as smart systems that can monitor the lift station and alert users via e-mail and or text messages of any anomaly within the lift station itself.

Wastewater Collection

Wastewater Treatment


Industrial Pre-treatment
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