If you are looking to install a water treatment system, grease interceptor, test manhole, and/or flume then you will need engineering assistance as all these projects will require coordination with local, and in some instances, state regulators such as the EPA. AWTS has experience dealing with the above and can provide engineering drawings for systems, architectural site drawings and technical and engineering reports for your specific projects. As such, in AWTS we have the experience and the knowledge to provide to our customers PE stamped documentation for their projects. AWTS has worked closely with pretreatment regulators in order to assist our customers by getting them into compliance.
AWTS uses the latest technology and works with manufacturers to improve new equipment before their final release to the public. Most importantly, AWTS differs from its competitors as it customizes the solutions to meet our customer’s specific needs.
pH Adjustment Systems & Installations
Rather than creating a generic system and forcing it upon our customers, all AWTS systems are designed to meet our customer's specific criteria, requirements and facility needs. AWTS is a business built around its customers and their diverse industries. AWTS believes a one size does not fit all, therefore, it custom designs and builds all systems to your needs while implementing the latest in technology. AWTS works with diverse industries providing unique solutions, to varying constraints, by engineering top of the line solutions. AWTS has customers with very limited space where systems have been
built underground and customers with ample room and high effluent flow rates that require larger sized systems that are reliable, fully automated, and provide automated reports and data logging.
AWTS provides batch treatment systems, in line systems, continuous systems and in some instances a hybrid version. AWTS utilizes the latest in technology and can add features to our systems that others simply do not have, such as, magnetic flow measurement, automated valves, temperature inputs as well as the latest in tank and chemical level technology, such as, radar and ultrasonic. AWTS also utilizes additional redundancies in its systems to ensure all systems have additional fail safes and validation in order to better serve our customers and protect their normal operations. All AWTS systems connect via cellular for remote assistance, programming and adjustment, automated report retrievals, alarms, and over the air firmware updates. AWTS serves the entire continental U.S., and it is ready to assist you. AWTS can manufacture systems with multiple sensor inputs, as well as outputs, that can connect to other water treatment systems in order to streamline your water treatment process. AWTS serves the following industries among others:
Food Processing
Meat Industry
Metal Manufacturing
And more!
DAF Operation & Maintenance
AWTS understands that many of its customers want to focus on their production process and not as much on their wastewater process. The wastewater process can be very time consuming and challenging at times since maintaining the proper chemical balance and maintenance schedules are essential for a trouble-free operation. Our field technicians provide full system maintenance from DAF cleaning, tuning and individual component troubleshooting as well as routine services such as sensor calibrations and metering pump maintenance. AWTS can replace pumps, valves and components that have faulted in order to resume system operation without disrupting your production. AWTS has a team of technicians and certified plumbers ready to assist you with everything from chemical replacement and operation to system adjustment and PLC programming. Additionally, AWTS can process and/or haul away waste sludges and can provide our customers with a comprehensive plan for their facility to ensure seamless operation and compliance. Furthermore, AWTS can assist our customers with their monthly testing and reporting needs as well as flume maintenance and calibration. AWTS currently offers this service in the state of Georgia. Wastewater Treatment Systems consist of many components working in unison. It is essential that all components are operating as designed. Pumps
can fail due to failing seals or wear and tear. The team at AWTS can facilitate pump repairs on site or they can swap to backup pumps while pumps are being repaired. AWTS repairs all types of pumps from centrifugal to chemical metering pumps used as part of the treatment process. AWTS works with many brands of pumps and provides 24/7 support in the Metro Atlanta area and surrounding Counties.
Water Treatment Chemicals
Our customers expect turnkey service and AWTS has established a comprehensive network of chemical suppliers throughout the country. In many instances AWTS can provide varying concentrations of chemicals in mini bulk or drums such as Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Hypochlorite, Citric Acid, Ferric Chloride, and numerous polymers for our customers’ waste treatment needs. Please note AWTS must price these based on delivery location, quantities and concentrations. AWTS is here to assist you.
Wastewater Testing Compliance & Reporting
AWTS provides other water treatment services that include BOD reduction and metal precipitation systems that utilize a clarifier and filter press to dewater sludges. These services are provided in the Metro Atlanta area while our pH adjustment systems and services are currently offered throughout the U .S. and Canada. AWTS has operators and technicians that can come to your facility and work around your schedule. AWTS can also assist in getting your equipmentfully functional and chemistry balanced to meet the required wastewater permit limits.
Other Water Treatment Services
We provide other water treatment services that include BOD reduction and metal precipitation systems that utilize a clarifier and filter press to dewater sludges. These services are provided in the Metro Atlanta Area while our pH adjustment systems and services are currently offered throughout the US and Canada. We have operators and technicians that can come to you and work around your schedule. We also assist you in getting your equipment fully functional and chemistry balanced to meet your wastewater permit limits.
Lift Station Installation, Maintenance and Monitoring
Lift stations can be found in a lot of applications and are not limited to just water treatment. AWTS utilizes lead and lag pumps as well as smart systems that can monitor the lift stations and alert users via e-mail and or text messages of any anomaly within the lift station itself. AWTS utilizes the latest in controller technology to run lift stations that operate 24/7. AWTS provides lift station installation as well as maintenance so that its customers can focus on their production rather than their effluent. Is your lift station constantly giving you problems? AWTS can provide you with the right equipment, in order to cut down on your maintenance costs, as we work with many manufacturers that can provide the best product for your application.
Plumbing Services
AWTS operates with one of a kind plumbing and engineering team, properly equipped to handle the 24/7 wastewater management operations its customers demand. As such, AWTS can provide extensive services related to plumbing and wastewater, plus additional services such as metering manhole installations, flume installations and calibrations and grease interceptor or grease trap installations in the Atlanta and surrounding areas. AWTS also provides plumbing services outside of Georgia on a case-by-case basis depending on our clients' needs. AWTS has completed hundreds of the projects mentioned below for diverse industries and it knows what it takes to complete these types of projects on your schedule and without disrupting your business. AWTS takes pride in its projects and on a job well done and will assist customers well after the project is complete. In fact, many AWTS customers are repeat customers and referrals. AWTS provides exceptional service at the quoted price.
-Grease Trap Installations
-Grease Trap Replacement
-Flume & Manhole Installations
-Water Treatment Process Plumbing
-Lift Station Installation, Troubleshooting & Control -Line Jetting
-Septic System Installation & Services
Grease Interceptor Pumping & Jetting
Often, customers don't want to worry about the maintenance and scheduling of their grease trap pumping. AWTS provides a comprehensive plan for our customers by getting their interceptors pumped and by retaining all waste manifests. AWTS also stays in communication with the pumper to ensure no issues are present in the interceptor itself. Additionally, AWTS provides pressure washing and sludge judge on the interceptors in order to ensure the customer's facility is in good standing to prevent issues such as clogs and backups. Sometimes clogs are inevitable, but AWTS can get a jetting truck and plumber onsite quickly in order to keep our customers operations running. While wastewater is an often-forgotten endeavor, our customers have found that having a dedicated team of experts is worthwhile in keeping their operations in motion to better serve their own customers. Above a ll, AWTS is a service company, and we want and like the opportunity to serve you.